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Community Update 9
Fair winds and good fortune, Skyward Adventurers! Can you believe we’re already halfway through 2024? We’ve spent most of the year so far reorganizing and refocusing our team to elevate the quality and scale of the world we can’t wait for you to explore. We’ve made some new friends along the way and are dialed […]
05/31/2024 | Community Update, MMORPG | Lumi

Community Update 8
Greetings Skyward Adventurers! As we make our way through March, we want to take a moment to reflect on the remarkable journey that unfolded throughout February for the Starfall Team! It was both a month of monumental achievements and unexpected twists in the road… So let us begin with Starfall: The Campaign! ⚔️ Save the […]
03/15/2024 | Community Update, D&D | Lumi