
Amidst the diverse species of Lyra, the Mordred lay claim to the most sordid and tragic origin. Forged by the Nai through arcane genetic experiments during the Akari Wars, the Mordred embody a fusion of Umbran Blood Elves and Cannibal Orcs. While the Nai aspired to perfection, seeking to merge the intellect, grace, and innate magic of an Elf with the colossal size, stamina, and strength of an Orc, the truth of the Mordred has proven more complex than perfect.
Within a percentage of the Mordred, known commonly as “lowborn,” a mutant gene surfaces, leading to grotesque disfigurements, monstrous strength, and erratic behavior. Yet, amidst this divergence, some Mordred achieve a semblance of the intended perfection. Known as “highborn” these outwardly flawless specimens still bear the burden of the Nai’s imperfect science, in the form shortened lifespans and an inability to subsist on conventional diets. The destiny of a Mordred child, whether highborn or lowborn, is dictated by capricious genes at birth that can be neither controlled nor corrected.
Mordred society orbits around genetic exceptionalism, with the elite echelons exclusively composed of physically flawless highborn, disregarding intelligence or skill. The Umbran culture enforces a strict stratification between highborn and lowborn Mordred. Consequently, most lowborn toil as laborers and enforcers, while the highborn wield all power. Notably, in Skylander culture, some defy this caste system, with lowborn and highborn occasionally coexisting in relative unity…
The origins of their creation casts a dark shadow over all Mordred, leading many to assume their allegiance to the forces of Darkness on principle. Fair or not, this stigma diverts Mordred from conventional occupations, propelling them towards criminal organizations like the Syndicate or the echelons of high society, where their “dangerous roots” are deemed fashionable.
Despite being labeled as mere “vampires” by outsiders, Mordred biology and diet prove to be more intricate. Like Orcs, they shun vegetables and, descended from cannibal orcs, require a significant portion of their meat to be raw. In contrast to Blood Elves relying on Mythanar’s Blood Sap, the Mordred can thrive on blood itself to enhance their magical prowess.
With a fleeting lifespan, Mordred harbor anxiety to live fully, fostering a cultural fixation on short-term pleasures and beauty, with scant regard for distant consequences. This pursuit of “experiencing a long life in a short time” underpins Mordred cultural attitudes towards sexuality which surpass the norms of Lyra.
Inspired by Mordred taboo behavior, some revile Mordred figures as disgusting, while others see them as embodiments of desire. Within Lyran culture, there are even those who are captivated by the “Mordred Bite,” finding it erotic and exhilarating, and follow the Mordred – worshipful cultists with obsessive passion.