
Like Akari, each dragon is connected to a specific shade of color magic, which dictates its color and physical characteristics.
Of all the magical creatures on Lyra, none are as feared, admired, or mysterious as dragons. Though dragons rarely come to the Mainland, they are worshiped by both the Kyran and the Draconians as powerful spirits. Since the invention of airship travel and Skyland settlement, a great deal has been learned about dragons and their way of life. It is now believed that dragons are intelligent beings, capable of communication and advanced thought… perhaps even surpassing dwarfs.
Dragons feed on both the magic creatures, and the magic plants, of the Skylands. Known to even hunt and kill sky whales, dragons’ abilities as predators are unmatched. Dragons are also the one entity who has proven capable of eating the fruit of Elder Trees, and through this, some have developed a deep connection to elf tribes.
Because of their magic-heavy diet, dragons have evolved into powerful masters of Color Magic. Like Akari, each dragon is connected to a specific shade of color magic, which dictates its color and physical characteristics. There are legends of even larger, more powerful dragons who fly among the stars and make their home in the Arcus. These dragons are said to be beyond Color Magic and have the ability to channel the powers of the cosmos, but few on Lyra believe these to be anything more than creation myths.
Dragon eggs are invaluable in all cultures of Lyra, for while an adult dragon has never been tamed or trained, dragons who have hatched in the presence of a person, have been known to form a symbiotic partnership with that individual. That being said, dragon eggs can only be found in Dragon Lairs which are immensely hard to find and once found, dangerous to enter. But, if one is able to make it out of a lair with a dragon egg in their possession, they are destined for great wealth. There are cases of people throughout history who have befriended dragons, who have learned to communicate with them and even ride them, but there are many more stories of those who have tried… only to never be seen again.