Alliance Peacekeepers

With their advanced dwarven armor and weaponry, Alliance Peacekeepers are respected, and feared, across the Mainland and Skylands.
During the War of Shadows, the Nai’s magic-wielding warriors brought Lyra to the brink of destruction. In order to save the world from this threat, the dwarfs were forced to use their most advanced weapons. While this dwarven technology was successful in defeating the Nai, it also proved itself capable of mass destruction on a level never seen before on Lyra.
With the realization of the threat that both magical militaries and dwarf weaponry posed to life on Lyra, the nations of the Mainland created an alliance with the objective of controlling the future use, advancement, and proliferation of these weapons of mass destruction.
In order to enforce their policies, the Alliance created a military branch, called Peacekeepers.
The treaty signing nations were each required to dedicate a number of their most highly-trained soldiers to serve as Peacekeepers and to maintain this number in perpetuity. Additionally, in order for the Peacekeepers to have the military superiority needed to enforce policy, they were authorized to use dwarf weapons technology.
The Peacekeepers were suited in magic-resistant dwarven armor and armed with dwarven weapons. Placed under the leadership of the Arashi Knights – a Doru special forces unit known for their fighting skill, deadly weapons, and magically impervious powersuits – the Peacekeepers were forged from a collection of soldiers from historically warring factions, into a unified military force.
After airship travel was invented, the Peacekeepers duties were expanded to include protecting the Alliance’s Skyland Settlements and its valuable Lumite trade. With this evolution, the Peacekeepers changed from being the last line of defense against threats to world peace, into the first line of offense against those who stand in the way of the Alliance.